Thursday, April 19, 2012

Should I Get a New Computer Now Or Wait?

Oh, the age old question! Should I wait, or get it now? While today's culture loves instant gratification, we also don't want to have our new computer replaced by a faster, better one just a couple months down the road. So, the battle rages, should I get a new computer now or wait?

There are several things to consider when looking to purchase a new computer:
  • Is it a want or a need?
  • What will you be using it for?
  • How familiar are you with your current computer, if you have one?
  • Do you feel the need to always have the latest items?
If getting a new computer is a want, then that means you can wait, but if it's a need, you should get one sooner rather than later. If you'll be using your computer for HD video editing and/or graphic design, you'll need a more powerful computer, but if you'll primarily be editing your home photos, sending emails and surfing the web, an average computer will suite you just fine (and save you some money). If you're very familiar with how your current computer works, upgrading to a new one won't be too difficult, but if you're still a novice or you don't currently own your own computer, you won't notice many of the upgrades a newer version has compared to an older one. Lastly, if you're a technophile, or you simply hate not having the latest-and-greatest, well, you know where I'm going with this one.

My own personal computer at home is a five-year-old iMac. That's pretty old for computers, and I can't do everything I used to, but I can still do most of my daily tasks, so I'm waiting for a new iMac to come out before I purchase because I do like having the newest, and I do do video editing and the like. My husband, on the other hand, had a critical failure of his previous computer (one too many drops if you ask me), and he needs to use it for work, so he had to get a new computer right away. There's no hard-and-fast rule about when to buy a computer, but I hope these points help clear it up a bit.

Practical Tip of the Day:
When buying a new computer, don't just go to the store and buy the first one the sales person recommends. Find a few you like, read reviews about them, ask if anyone you know has experience with the brand, and compare them to each other. An ounce of research can help keep you from over spending, over buying or getting the wrong thing altogether. Far too often I see people with simple computer needs being pressured into buying top-of-the-line computers that they simply don't need. If you buy a high end computer to primarily check your email, it's like buying a Lamborghini to drive around the city- you have a super fast car, but you're only ever driving it at 45 mph!

1 comment:

  1. Would agree with Amanda. The ‘want’ and ‘need’ have to be clearly defined. Need’s a necessity that has to be answered immediately, so getting a new one soon is out of the question. Just be sure to get a unit that can last long, which means you might want to buy something that’s close to a high-end one.

    - Benita Bolland -
