If you have a smart phone you inevitably ask about the best way to protect it from damage. Should you get case? Should you get a screen protector? Do I really need to spend the extra money? After spending so much money on a new smart phone you would think that most people would want to protect it as much as possible, but sometimes people try and save money by leaving their phones unprotected. Don't be cheap, spend the extra money to get at least the screen protector!
Although smart phones are made out of very resilient material, it's best to have a screen protector put on them to help maximize the lifespan of your phone. Do you really want to be walking around with a phone's whose screen is scratch so badly you can barely see it? Having a screen protector can help protect your phone from superficial scratches that can then turn into major scratches and even cracks.
I generally recommend spending the extra money to get screen protectors that are cut for your particular device, but if you can't find them, getting a generic one and cutting it yourself is not that bad. The most important thing is to make sure that it's put on properly, without air bubbles or any kind of debris beneath it. Not only are they distracting, but they also mean that your phone is not nearly as protected as it should be and debris can actually scratch your phone's screen from the friction if your screen protector shifts around.
Practical Tip of the Day:
If you've already dropped your smart phone and it has a crack, but is otherwise fine, putting a screen protector on it now isn't necessarily a bad idea. Doing so can help cover it, letting you use your phone while you save up money to get it fixed or purchase a new one.
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