Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When Should I Charge My Laptop?

Almost everyone who has owned a laptop has wondered when the best time to charge it is. You want to maximize your battery life after all. Laptop batteries are not cheap, and having a laptop whose battery only lasts an hour or so isn't very effective. Here're some simple tips for how to make sure your laptops battery is up to snuff for as long as possible.

1) Don't run it all the way down. Laptop batteries- or any rechargeable battery for that matter- is a lot like your muscles. This simply means that you shouldn't let your laptops battery drain all the way down to where the computer shuts off on you. (AKA 0% charge) This would be like exercising until you pass out to train for a marathon. You'd end up doing more harm than good to your body, and when you let your battery completely drain it puts extra wear on it as well.

2) Don't leave it plugged in all the time either. Similarly, you wouldn't want to sit around all day either to "conserve your energy" for your marathon. Just like your muscles can atrophy, your laptop battery can as well. This is a common misconception about laptop batteries. A lot of people will leave their laptop plugged in 24/7 at a desk and only use its battery once or twice a year. Could you imagine trying to get up and walk around if you had been laying in bed 24/7 for several months?

3) Use a surge protector. Using a surge protector when you charge your laptop will help ensure that no electrical surges get to your laptop and overwhelm the battery. Yes, most chargers have mini-protectors to help prevent this, but if you haven't looked lately, laptop charges aren't the cheapest thing to buy and it is possible for a surge to be strong enough that it trips the charger and still gets to the laptop with enough force to damage it.

Practical Tip of the Day:
When monitoring your laptops charge, I generally recommend looking at its percentage left instead of the time estimate. This is because the estimated time left can fluctuate wildly depending on what you're doing. Browsing the web? Your battery will last longer. Editing a movie? Shorter. Screen brightness turned down? Longer. Watching a movie with the speakers turned all the way up? Shorter. You get the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Those are very good tips, Amanda! In addition, you can maximize your laptop’s battery life by modifying its power management settings. Most laptop operating systems now have power saver settings that limit the use of resources by optimizing battery consumption according to how much power is left in the battery pack.

    Lakendra Wiltse
